
Frank Pugh, PMI Tallahassee Chapter President

PMI Tallahassee Chapter Members and Friends:

Very recently, your PMITLH board met for the chapter annual planning meeting. I am happy to report that the meeting was fully attended. The board is at full strength, with all positions filled with incumbent, elected or nominated office holders.   

As part of the yearly PMI recertification process, the annual planning meeting is an opportunity for us to define and affirm our top chapter goals, and to set specific service level goals.  As usual we are putting you, our members, first.  All our planning, execution and management energy is meant to further our profession and bring that value to you.  

Put most succinctly, our top three goals for this year are:

Increase understanding of whom we serve: We will recognize and create opportunities for us to learn more about members past, current and potential.  This knowledge will allow us to provide more and better value to those we serve.

Marketing the brand:  We will engage in activities that spread awareness of the unique value of our brand, both at the PMI and PMITLH levels.

Partnership and Sponsorship: We will work with other PMI chapters and aligned professional organizations to increase opportunities for the betterment of our profession, organization and members.

Each one of these goals has specific entailed actions that we will plan, schedule and execute. In the coming weeks we will be submitting these detailed plans to PMI at large.   We will report our plans to you via the quarterly newsletter, as well as our several in-person encounters, namely chapter meetings and professional development events.

In the meantime, please keep us nearby by visiting our website (www.pmitlh.org), attending our events, and reading our frequent communications with you.   Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you want to join us as a volunteer or take advantage of what we have to offer in support of the profession of project management.

This is an exciting time to be in the project management field.  There is much to do, and together with you, we eagerly embark on this year’s journey